Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Quote

"When love and truth are divorced, we are left with neither." -- Mark Ford, 02/11


  1. Mark, this is so true...I am so sorry that you have been disillusioned. I read the article in the link that you and Julie posted. It is hard, when we discover that someone we respected and trusted, isn't what we thought they were.


  2. Oh, my. Yes. This is profound and true and sad, all at the same time--a dismal, bleak life it would be without love or truth. But, on the other hand, what a powerful, equally profound, yet joyous prospect is the opposite condition: the marriage of love and truth--a worthwhile life goal...and one that can only be accomplished through Jesus Christ as THE SOURCE of the love and the truth. So, praise God we know The Source. May we always rely on HIM and HIM ALONE.
