Friday, November 30, 2012


The best thing about Missouri is that you never know when you are going to have a beautiful day.  -- Mark Ford  (November 30, 2012)

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Better Saying...

People, especially Christians, often say: "Everything happens for a reason."  If you think about it, this statement is obvious and unhelpful.  Of course everything happens for a reason.  The letter "Q" just appeared on this page because I typed it.  I just heard a sound because the wind is blowing outside.  My neck hurts because I sit at the computer too much.  Yes, everything happens for a reason.  A more meaningful saying, and a biblical one, is this: "God is able to redeem everything that happens."  See God doesn't cause everything that happens, but He somehow works everything into His ultimate plan.  That is the absolute miracle of God's Sovereignty.  If the above saying is too cerebral for you, here is another version: "God works everything out eventually."  That's true, and it actually says something hopeful.  Just a thought.