Saturday, October 13, 2012

Leftovers From Sunday

[Sunday I am preaching a sermon about evolutionism (sort of).  The following thoughts were cut for the sake of time.]

Think about this… How many public school science teachers don’t believe in evolutionism (the broader kind) themselves?  In my experience, many don’t.  In fact, I’ve known more science teachers who did not believe in it than I have known who do.  That’s the truth.  But I thought all scientists supported evolutionism?  That’s what we’re told isn’t it? 

And beyond that, how is it, that in this land of the free, science teachers are forced by the state, that is, government, to teach evolutionism, while they are explicitly forbidden to teach anything that hints at creationism or even intelligent design? 

Why is it mandated that middle school and high school science teachers teach one “ism,” evolutionism, as if it were fact… and that they shall not under any circumstance advocate or even present as a possibility another “ism,” creationism, which incidentally is still believed by the majority of Americans?

If that were not wrong enough, those teachers who do embrace evolutionism and reject creationism are allowed and even encouraged to teach AGAINST creationism.  Often, spinelessly, they simply show videos crafted to carefully make creationists look foolish.  I know this from personal experience.  I have two older teens.  I’ve seen it happen.  I offered to rebut the video to no avail.  

Let’s return to the main fact that I wanted to point out.  Our science teachers are forced by our government to teach one belief system over another, even regardless of what they, as scientists, may believe themselves.  How is this freedom of religion?  How is this academic freedom? It is not freedom, rather it is the government mandated, forced indoctrination of our children, and that of the godless kind you would expect from a communist regime. 

Who won the cold war again?

And I can hear the tired, worn out, historically ignorant mantra already...  Separation of Church and State… (repeat 3 times). It’s like the only five words some people know, meanwhile they apparently have no understanding of what it means.  For now, I’ll simply say that forcing science teachers to teach a theory about our origins which some of them don’t even embrace… a theory that often leads to agnosticism and atheism and has created an almost robotic generation of anti-religious, anti-church, secularly-biased young men and women… is a far cry from anything anyone ever had in mind for "Separation of Church and State," which by the way is not even in the Constitution.

So, what do we do about all this?  Ha, let me remind you this is a blog… basically a place to vent… and it is already too long.  Pray.  Vote accordingly where you can.  Speak up when you get a chance.  At any rate, at least give it some thought. Ideas have consequences.  Or, if you like, we could all start an organization.  We could call it, "Citizens for Separation of Atheism and State."  Who's with me?

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