Nine years ago we started RiverOaks Church. We knew God called us to do it. I finally figured out why He did.
It wasn't because He wanted us to get glory by making a big church so people could say, "Wow look how big it is."
It wasn't because He particularly needed another church in this area.
It certainly wasn’t about church buildings or other trophies that the eye can see.
It wasn't even because He wanted us to somehow be more special than any other church.
It wasn't because we would be better than any other church.
It wasn’t because He wanted there to be more churches in America.
It wasn’t even because we were going to reach a different group of people than other churches were reaching.
The reason God called us to start RiverOaks Church was for the sake of some very specific people who have names... people whose names I did not know before... people whose names now warm my heart.
Those specific people are the reason God called us to start RiverOaks Church. I love those people. Over the years, some of those people have moved on for good or bad reasons, but we still played a very powerful role in their lives. Many are still here, and are so different and so changed now that they can't even completely remember what life was like before RiverOaks Church.
God called us to start RiverOaks Church, because He knew there would be stories. Those stories are powerful. Those stories range from radical salvation experiences to deeper walks with Christ to simply a place of service that was God’s plan for someone. God knew each story before it unfolded. He knew exactly why He wanted RiverOaks Church to be born. He knew their names.
And what about my story? How has God changed me through the experience of RiverOaks Church? Oh my. I can't even put it into words.
God called us to start RiverOaks Church for the love of people... not a mass of people... not numbers of people, but individual, real-life people who matter to God... and now they matter to me.
God had a plan... and His plan, as always, was about redeeming, changing and using people.... individual people. He knew. He always knew. He knew exactly who would be touched through RiverOaks. He knew that because of these specific people, regardless of what else happened, it would all be worth whatever sacrifices have been made... whatever faith we have needed to have... whatever struggles we needed to endure.
God called us to start RiverOaks Church for the people we would touch... the wonderfully incredible people whom we have had a chance to bless, challenge, teach and love.
What other reason could there possibly be for starting a church?
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